This inevitable march you write about here, both towards and through a postmodern social complexity level, belies a lot of the conflict between social groups right now.
A plurality of the US would prefer to cling to an absolutist-to-empiricist ideal in which True and False are still adjectives you can assign to nouns.
Meanwhile, Pepe the Frog and the spectre of Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism lead yet another set of pluralities into a meta-rational state that assigns truth moreso to verbs and adverbs.
The evaluation of truth as a function of ongoing choice of certain possible futures over others doesn’t sit well with people who don’t understand why trans people should get to use the bathroom of their choice. (Isn’t this already settled? People have get a gender assigned to them at birth. Women have long hair and prefer babies to work. Denying the natural laws is what makes people unhappy and hysterical.)
I have some sympathy for the absolutists. They’re being thrown into the postmodern-to-metarational future without much of a parachute.